To define together with you a personal offshore solution, please select below whether your are an individual, looking for a bank account, or an individual/company looking for incorporating a company
Anonymous Debit/Credit Card: Alexandre was interested in having a 100% anonymous Debit/Credit Card allowing him withdrawing money all over the world, paying in shops and on internet... Banking secrecy (heir/inheritor): John et Victoria wanted both: to secured their assets and to make sure that they will be transfered to the person of their choice... Self-employed person: Frank wanted to create his own company and wanted to minimize its tax exposure. As well, Frank was not willing to deal with any administrative tasks...
Corporate bank account abroad: Rebecca lives and works in Thailand as a tourism operator for already 10 years. Born and raised in England, Rebecca decided after her divorce to settle her life in a different country... International consultant: David is an engineer, working as an independant consultant and very often travelling abroad. Thanks to us, he has minimized its tax exposure... Multicurrency bank account: Tatiana has incoming and outcoming payments in different currencies. In order not to pay anymore any bank fees related to foreign currency exchange rate fees...
European bank account for non-European company: Naïm is an Algerian successful entrepreneur specialized in the construction and renovation business in the city of Oran. During the last years, his reputation started to grow bigger... Resident or foreign student: Even though he was living and studying in France Karim didn't manage to open a Euro bank account. We helped him... Bank prohibited person: Due to the bankrupt of its last buisness Pablo was no longer authorised to own a personal bank account in his residential country. We helped him...