What is an offshore company?
An offshore company is a company incorporated in a tax friendly country but performing 100% of its business activities outside of this jurisdiction.
What are the benefits in having an offshore company?
You will benefits from several things: first of all, all offshore places are tax friendly so you will for sure pay less tax (for instance corporate tax) than in your country of residence. Also, administrative duties such as accounting obligations are much smaller so you can concentrate on making business and not wasting time or money on non added value activities. Finally, in most of the offshore jurisdiction, you will get a high level of discretion with banking secrecy and non disclosure of your name as a beneficial owner of your company to the authorities of your country of residence.
Which one is the best offshore jurisdiction?
There is no any “best” global offshore destination. But for sure, there is “a best” offshore destination for each of us depending on both our personal and professional situations.
Is accounting mandatory for an offshore company?
Of course it depends on where is incorporated your offshore company. But in any case, FCBA Offshore Ltd will provide you with such a service and support you during the all lifelong of your offshore company.
How long does it take to incorporate an offshore company?
Theoretically, an offshore company can be incorporated in less than a week. But of course, as we need to collect some informations and documents from you, it will depend on how fast will you provide us with all of them. But the average time between the first contact and the incorporation of your company is approximately three weeks.
How can we make a difference between the director and the shareholder of the company?
The shareholder is the owner of the company whereas the director is the person nominated by the shareholder to manage the company. At FCBA Offshore Ltd, we do care about confidentiality that is why we do offer you the possibility to have both nominee director and shareholder.
Can a person be the shareholder as well as the director?
Of course it’s possible. Very often, small businesses belong and are managed by the same guy. Some of our client chose this option but it is not the one we do recommend. According to our experience, to have both nominee director and shareholder is much more better for confidentiality reasons.
Does “offshore company” automatically mean “no taxation”?
Unfortunately not. Your offshore corporate will pay tax and will have to follow all administrative obligations of the country where it will be registered. But thanks to the advices of our experts, we will offer you the opportunity to have the lowest tax obligations ever and we will also make sure that administrative and accounting requirements will not be neither time consuming nor costly.
Should we move to the chosen jurisdiction in order to incorporate our offshore company?
No. Actually thanks to the strong worldwide network of FCBA Offshore Ltd, you will not need to move anywhere to incorporate or run your offshore company. We will only ask you to provide us with some documents either by email or (more rarely) by post.
Is the incorporation of my company will be followed by a corporate offshore bank account opening?
Yes of course. Your offshore company needs a corporate bank account to be run properly. Our target at FCBA Offshore Ltd is to provide you with an offshore corporate bank account fitting your needs and ensuring you efficiency and discretion. But of course, if you wish to open an offshore bank account yourself you can also do it…
Is it possible to open an offshore personal bank account in addition to the corporate one?
Of course yes. It’s even highly recommended in order to split your personal and professional activities into two different parts. Also, having an offshore bank account in another jurisdiction in order to receive there your dividend and salary will increase the confidentiality level of your offshore business.
How much should I pay as annual banking fees to maintain my offshore bank account?
The annual banking fees to be paid to your offshore bank will depend on the list of services you have applied for. But usually, banking fees are not so expensive and at FCBA Offshore Ltd, we care about our client’s satisfactions that is why we do recommend banks only if they are competitive in terms of fees.
Is it possible to have a multicurrency offshore bank account?
Yes. Most of the banks we are working with do offer both personal and corporate offshore mutlicurrency bank accounts. This will reduce your currency exchange fees and ease your life. The main used currencies are: EUR, USD, GBP. But other currencies are available if you need.
How is it possible to use the money which is on my offshore bank account?
You have the choice. Actually you can either use your Credit / Debit card to withdraw cash everywhere in the world, to pay in the shops or on the internet. Also, you can connect to your internet banking in order to make a bank transfer to whoever you want.
What are the administration requirements of my offshore company?
Administrating its offshore company means to fulfill all administrative and accounting requirements of the local authorities where your company is registered. But at FCBA Offshore Ltd, we do understand that the administrative tasks related to your offshore company is not something you are willing to follow yourself that is why we do offer you to administrate your company on your behalf. Also, we do recommend you to appoint FCBA Offshore Ltd as the official bookkeeper of your offshore company. It is more secured for you not to keep any document related to your offshore business into your home for confidential reasons…
How can I name my offshore company?
You can chose it yourself. Then FCBA Offshore Ltd will check the availability of the name and let you know if it is already used or not.
What is a notarized document or an apostille?
Notarization is a legal step which ensures that your company complies with the law of the country in which it is registered. It is usually performed by a notary who certifies the legality and then provide you with an apostille.
Please if you need any additional information feel free to contact FCBA Offshore Ltd team members.