
Offshore company incorporation

June 25th, 2014   •   no comments   
Offshore company incorporation

You are interested in the benefits offered by the offshore buisness but you need some support to make sure that you will incorporate your company in the right jurisdiction and you don’t want to take care about any administrative procedures. Then do not hesitate and contact us, FCBA Offshore’s experienced team will help you making the right choice depending on your situation…

Offshore bank account

June 25th, 2014   •   no comments   
Offshore bank account

You are willing to open an offshore bank account with a maximum of discretion and you don’t know in which jurisdiction you should do so. Then don’t hesitate and contact us, FCBA Offshore’s experienced team will help you making the right choice depending on your personal situation…

Case studies

June 25th, 2014   •   no comments   
Case studies

Your both personal and professional situations can benefit from an offshore solution. In order to give you concrete examples, FCBA Offshore’s team presents you some recently treated cases…